Create your own bot

What are bots ?

A bot is pretty much like a new user in the chat on your platform. It has a name, a profile picture and you can discuss with it. The big difference is that this one is not human, It is a program created to perform some predefined actions you ask it to. Thereby you could ask it to give you some of your entreprise statistics or to send a research on your internal search engine…

How does it work ?

bot schema

Talkspirit bots use the HTTPS protocol. Every time a user write a message to a bot, a HTTPS request is sent to the bot’s configured url. After that, it returns its response to the API with a standardised format.

How can I create a new bot ?

Your bot can be created in the language of your choice, the only constraint is that it has to be able to communicate with HTTP requests. A functional example developed with Symfony is available here bot-demo. Feel free to use it as a base code for your own bot. In our example, we’ll suppose you’ve pressed the heroku deployment button visible on the repository’s README and now you have a live working BotDemo with an heroku url like

Configure a new bot

To add your new bot, click on the settings icon and select Bots :

panel bot

Here you can view the bots proposed by talkspirit and create a new one by click on the “Add” button of the last entry.

create bot button

Then you can give your bot a callback url and add some informations about it

bot configuration panel

Now enable your bot by pressing the button “users and rooms” on the top right corner and select the bot in the bots section.

Receiving a request

All bot requests are sent to the url you configured for your bot. It’s up to you to analyse the user’s message to create your response. You can find all the informations you need to send in the Technical specifications

Respond to a request

When the bot receives a request, this one contains a domain name ( and a token (meta.token) allowing you to construct the url. So the response will have to be sent to the url ‘{token}’ with the POST method. There are different type of requests:

  • bot_command: this message is sent to the bot when the user submits a command in the input field (/create for instance) or when the conversation is opened (so that the application can get the list of the available commands)
           "displayname":"Jean Carri\u00e8re",
  • room_created: this message is sent to the bot when the user opens the conversation with the bot for the first time. The bot can answer this message with a welcoming message for instance.
           "displayname":"Jean Carri\u00e8re",
  • chat_message: this message is sent to the bot when the user sends a message.
           "displayname":"Jean Carri\u00e8re",

Inline Query

When the user press the key “/” in the input field, the bot will receive a request: the result will list available bot’s commands which will be suggested to the user.

bot commands autocompletion

Commands are predefined messages pattern which perform specific actions. It’s a good way to show what the bot can do and help new users to discover these functionalities. Technically, when the API sends a message with an empty text with the type “bot_command”, the bot has to send back the list of available commands. See the inline queries specifications repository for more details.

Technical specifications

Received payloads

Here is a comprehensive list of all informations you will receive when a user will interact with your bot :

Key Description
meta Informations about the application context
meta.type Type of interaction (bot_command, chat_message, room_created) Domain name of the server sending the request
meta.token Token to authenticate your response
data Informations about the message
data.text Content of the message sended by the user Informations about the chat room Id of the chat room
data.from Informations about the message’s author User slug
data.from.displayname User name
data.from.type User type (admin or user) Message id
data.ts Message timestamp

Payloads to send

Chat message

Here is the list of informations you need to send to create a chat response. Chat messages will be added to the conversation. They can contain a text, html content ifthe specified mode is html.

	"meta" : {
		"type" : "chat_message"
	"data" : {
		"text" : "Bot response",
    "mode" : "html",
               "payload":"payload to get back",
               "label":"Btn label",
		"room" : {
			"id" : "roomId"

Inline queries

Inline queries response will be displayed to the user as autosuggest in the input field. Here is the list of informations you need to send to create an inline query response.

	"meta" : {
		"type" : "inline_query"
	"data" : {
		"id" : "Message id",
		"result" : {
         "type" : "command",
         "title": "joke",
         "description": "tell a joke",
         "trigger": "/joke",
         "usage": "/joke"